Thursday, December 8, 2016

Protein requirements

Biological functions of protein
As stated above, protein is needed for enhancing growth, egg production, immunity, and adaptation to the environment. Tere are other biological functions which are attributed to specific amino acids. Lysine, for example, has an important role in improving carcass quality of chickens by supporting formation of type IIb fibre which hold smaller amounts of fat and have low cooking loss (loss of nutrients in the cooking water), as opposed to type IIa fibres which are formed in the carcasses in case of lysine deficiency. Thrionine, on the other hand, has significant metabolic roles and helps regulation of GI secretions and endogenous losses, thereby improving digestibility of nutrients and preventing digestive disorders. Other amino acids, such as methionine, may partly compensate for a deficiency of choline or vitamin B12 by providing needed methyl groups. Also, the amino acid tryptophan may alleviate niacin deficiency through metabolic conversion to niacin. However, these conversion processes are of theoretical interest only, as it would be poor economics to satisfy a vitamin deficiency by addition of relatively more expensive amino acids.

For broiler chickens, diets are often formulated to contain 22% protein for the starter feed and 19% for the finisher feed, with a metabolisable energy value in the order of 3.3 ME/Kg. Chickens may respond differently to the increased protein level in the diet, depending mainly on the protein quality and the amino acid profile thereof. With low quality protein having inadequate and/or imbalanced amino acids, increasing dietary protein in this case will have no effect on performance in terms of growth, feed efficiency and carcass traits, but may rather lead to high mortality and leg problems, particularly in the finishing phase. Addition of the first limiting amino acids in this case will, therefore, be necessary and will result in an increased productive output in the bird. This effect, however, will continue until the maximum genetic potential of the bird is reached or the amino acids are no longer limiting.
ther hand, when high quality protein is fed, the increased level of dietary protein by 2-3% above the recommended level will in this case improve growth rate, feed efficiency and carcass quality and the supplemental amino acids will not have any sound effect on performance. In one study, supplementation of diets having conventional crude protein levels with essential amino acids did not restore growth to that of the higher protein diet. The chickens fed on diets with conventional protein level also had increased abdominal fat which was not reduced by adding essential amino acids but was reduced when the level of high quality protein was increased (Fancher and Jensen, 1989).
concept of dietary protein level and quality in relation to performance also holds true with the layers. In one study, white leghorn chickens were fed corn-SBM diets containing 11, 14, 17, 18 or 20% crude protein from hatching to 16 weeks of age and then fed 17% crude protein layer diet. Body weights were reduced by feeding 11 or 14% crude protein and the pullets were slightly slower coming into production compared to those fed 17 or 20% crude protein. Egg weight was also depressed by feeding 11 or 14% crude protein diets, probably due to the smaller body weight at 16 weeks of age. These findings may, again, vary depending on the quality of protein fed, as indicated earlier.

Sources of protein
There are many protein sources that are commonly used in poultry diets. Some sources are from plant origin (e.g. soybean meal, cottonseed meal, alfalfa meal, and sunflower meal), and others are from animal origin (e.g. fishmeal and meat and poultry products). These feeds do not only provide protein but also serve as good sources of minerals, vitamins and other nutritional factors.

Each of these protein feeds should, however, be used only in a specific amount in the diet and should thus be mixed with other protein sources. This will help achieve the target protein concentration with better amino acid profile, and also alleviate much of the production and health problems that may potentially arise from using only one protein source in excess of the recommended level (Table 1).

Protein economy
Protein nutrition has a great economic importance, since protein is an expensive item in almost all feed rations. This may be particularly so in areas of the world known to be protein deficient, such as many tropical and subtropical areas. The rationing of feeds for protein should, therefore, be manipulated in such a way that 'optimal' rather than 'maximum' performance is achieved without too much feed expenditure. The best way to explain this point is by a practical example of a layer feed with 16% or 17% protein. In corn-soybean diets, this difference can be created by adding 3% more of soybean containing 44% crude protein. When this amount replaces corn, there will be an additional cost of about US$3.00/ ton (world market price, 1990's estimates). In most cases, the real nutritional benefit of such an increase of protein is limited to an increase of about 0.025% of the amino acids lysine and methionine. The same nutritional advantage can be obtained by adding 250g of synthetic lysine and methionine/ ton of feed with a cost of only US$1.00/ ton. Fortunately, access to these synthetic amino acids has become available with the recent advancement of biotechnology, which makes the economic benefits of such an approach quite achievable.
Performance studies on low-protein diets (14% CP) supplemented with lysine and methionine for laying hens revealed no significant difference in egg production or egg weight compared to the control high-protein diets (18% CP). Moreover, feed consumption and protein intake were lower for the amino acid-supplemented diets, resulting in less nitrogen (N) being excreted compared to the control diets (Table 2). This approach is also environmentally sound, as it alleviates much of the problem associated with disposal and management of nitrogen-rich manure.

Step-down protein feeding is also an effective approach in reducing feed costs in egg production and alleviating excess N excretion (Table 3). A simple calculation shows that using step-down protein diets as compared to constant 16.5% protein diets for one year on a farm with 100,000 bird results in the use of 7.5 tons less protein. Depending on feed and egg prices, such an approach might be economically 'quite' justifiable. In addition, there is about 4.5 tons less manure nitrogen/year produced, which also makes the step-down feeding environmentally appropriate.

Protein nutrition under heat stress conditions
In the past, it was usually recommended that dietary protein level be increased in order to maintain constant protein intake under heat stress when feed consumption is reduced. Over the years, however, more evidence exists to show that protein requirements of heat-stressed birds may not necessarily be increased. In one study, increasing protein concentration from 17% to 23% did not improve growth of chickens kept between 3-6 weeks of age under high temperature (32°C). This was attributed mainly to the increased N excretion and reduced efficiency of the high-protein diet compared to the low protein diet (Table 4). Protein utilisation is usually better in birds fed low-protein diets, and this fact might be a metabolism adjustment in order to use protein better when provided in limited quantity. In some cases, however, the reduced level of dietary protein may be detrimental if no consideration is given to protein quality and its amino acid profile. It was found that with protein sources having methionine and lysine in the exact amount and proportion, it is possible to reduce 2-4% of diet protein without affecting weight gain and feed conversion. The reduction of any amino acid will, on the other hand, cause its own deficiency, and protein will thus become non-ideal regardless of the protein level.
Protein nutrition under disease conditions
With most disease outbreaks, it may be necessary to increase the level of dietary protein or at least maintain it within the recommended ranges. Protein is a potent regulator of circulation of hormones such as insulin, glucagon, thyroxin, and growth hormones, all of which affect the immune system and hence improve its disease fighting capability. In other cases, however, the increased protein level of the diet can be a contributing factor to some diseases such as necrotic enteritis in broilers, which usually occur 2-6 weeks post hatching. This is due to the over growth of C. perfringens in the small intestine, increasing from a normal level of 104 CFU to 107 or 109 CFU per gram of digesta and causing clinical disease.

With the increased dietary protein level, there will also be an increased activity of the enzyme trypsin in the small intestine. This will, in turn, lead to faster release of coccidia from their oocytes which eventually become so active as to be less responsive to vaccination.

In cases where such bacterial and protozoan agents are likely to prevail, it may then be beneficial, among other measures, to reduce the supply of protein and maintain it below the recommended range in order to alleviate the effect of these pathogens on the birds.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Care your chickens in humid times

Care your chickens in humid times

Indian poultry faces different weathers during the year. Sometimes it's very hot and humid and sometimes its very cold and dry. Though the farmers put all their efforts to save their chickens from these adverse conditions but these physical methods sometimes don't come up to the expectations as far as results are concerned. Dietary changes are must for the farm to survive.

Proteins and calories requirements altogether change with the change in climate. For example, Rajasthan in India is very dry and hot whereas sea coastal areas are hot and humid, Himachal is cold and humid as far as climate is concerned. If you analyze the eating pattern of these states, you will agree that the same changes are required for other livestock also. If we don't change this, different type of bacterial infections crop up. Humid environment invites the requirement of more of proteins than the dry weather. Similarly at cold temp. energy requirements are increased. Water intake of the bird also needs to be monitored climatically. Higher water intake suggest bird feeling hot inside and needs to be taken care of.

Careful watch of every activity of the bird provides solution to every problem.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Molting in Poultry

Broadly speaking Molting is a tecnique of resting a birds production cycle to rejuvenate it for a extended period. Aged birds which have exhausted their laying period, or the birds whose over sized Eggs size or  poor Egg shell becomes a problem or the birds who can't compete the market in terms of Egg rate though their  production % age is satisfactory or sometime when the bird comes under severe viral attack, are put to Molting. The bird is off fed for 5-7 days so that the protein profile of the bird is reset and the weight is reduced. The bird is put to restricted  and specialised feeding for some days so that it get rejuvenated in terms of its Mineral deposits. The ovaries also get rejuvenated after a rest. When the bird restarts the laying, % age production increases by 10-15%., problem of oversized egg is minimised and the egg shell quality also improves.
There are different schools of thought regarding practicability of Molting. Some find it useful and some find it wastage of time and money when they don't get desired results. A path in between of limited Molting may be the best answer.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Wt. Formula

 A new concept in Poultry Feed formulations has emerged where protein content can be kept at a some optimum level say 16%., but the amino acid level is so balanced that the desired results are obtained as if the protein is kept at 18-20%. Most of the Indian Poultry Feeds formulations are software generated where climate part is not taken into account. Cheaper locally available feed ingredients are used most of the times. As a result a required balance of amino acids is not achieved. Subsequently broilers don't attain Weightt in due time. " Wt Formula" ensures that the  desired Wt. gain is achieved at required rate with the administration of this formula in regular Feed. Feed Supplementation with right amino acid ratios always pays in terms of desired objectives.  Besides gaining timely weight gain, it's balanced composition controlls  CRD, Viral, and E- Coli  to about 80% . Supplementation of amino acids in this composition reduce the Heat Stress also to a minimum.

Dose is 150 gm- 200gm./ quintal of Feed. Method of use is very simple.

Calculate the approximate daily feed consumption. Suppose it is 200 kg. Just mix Wt Formula @150 X2=300 gm in approx 5-6 kg feed  and add Soya refined oil to it @1ltre per 100 kg of feed consumed per day and top dress in all the feeders once a day and four days a week continuously. You can give them rest for rest three days. For 1000 birds you will require approx 3kg.  You can start it from day 1after the chicks arrival and continue till the date of sale .i.e 35 or 40 days.

We provide it through parcel service of Indian Post. It can delieverd on a village address also. Rates includes parcel charges. Minimum order is 3kg.

How to order it- Please go to our website and make the payment. Give your complete address. The material will reach you in 8-10 days, anywhere in India.

Our contact no +919896040988,+919315567495 ( India) Our facebook page

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Weight gain in Broilers ( A hard nut to crack)

Slow  weight gain in Broilers is a very serious issue for a Broiler farmer. A Broiler farm survives only on a simple logic of earlier the weight gain and lowest the mortality.
Following points help to get the desired results in Broiler Farming.
1.Chicks from  a good breed  should be selected.
2.A good brooding defines the growth pattern for a Broiler . If in winter accurate brooder temperature is not maintained, the bird may get some infection and the bird will loose weight rather than gaining it.
3. Feeding a good quality Feed is the next step in this direction. Broilers need a highly concentrated Feed to get timely Wt. gain.
4. Temperature controll during peak summer is essential. Otherwise reversion in weight followed by heat stroke mortality is there.
5. Liver protection and controll on mycotoxins is very essential otherwise FCR ( Feed conversion ratio ) will be very low.
6. Due to fast weight gain and heavy weight, Weak leg strength is very common so calcium Supplementation is very essential.
7.If the bird catches some infection due to some reason, firstly the infection should be checked with suitable antibiotic followed by Supplementation of multi vitamins ,  Liver tonic and Trace Minerals.
8. GPF Poultry Feed Supplements ( has developed a growth promoter for the Broilers which contains balanced herbal amino acids and vitamins for early Wt. Gain.
9. Lighting plays a very important role in Broiler gaining weight. If a  one hour black out is followed by every two hour bright light alternatively at night, the bird takes up Feed during the bright period and digest it during the dark. It will considerably improve the FCR.

Fluctuating Egg Production, a problem

Seasonal fluctuations in Egg production of layers is a very common issue. Actually with the change in climate, the amino acid requirements or the protein profile needs to be adjusted.
  A simple example to follow is in that people of Rajasthan and people of Kerela have totally different nutritional requirements. So their food can't  be similar for a longer time. People of Rajasthan use high calories like  ( Ghee etc.) food whereas people of Kerela eat lower calorie food like idli doda Sambar etc. If you co-relate it with the climate and follow it in Poultry, you are on the top of the world.
In India, normally four type of climates come one by one.
From 25 th Dec to 23 March - When humidity starts increasing with lowering of temperature.. This season demands High calories as well as high protein quality and quantity.
23.rd March- 21 St June- When the humid starts decreasing with the increase in temperature also. This season demands  good calories but the protein should be  slightly decreased.
21st June- 23 rd Sept.- When  the humidity again increases along with high temperature. This period again demand high calories with high protein.
23 rd Sep- 25 th. Dec. - The humidity declines with temperature going down very slowly. This season demand low protein and low calories.
These practicality may be experienced by some when they get good productions even at not so good Feed qualities. While sometimes they get shockingly low productions at same Feed quality. GPF  Poultry Feed Supplements have developed a combination of amino acids named  Egg Formula  which caters to the requirements of these seasonal fluctuations. Dose per quintal of Feed is 100- 200 gm.
The other reason for production drop may be a  bacterial or a viral attack. which needs a doctor's advice. Antibiotic or a special vaccination schedule has to be adopted in that case.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Natural Remedy to diabetes

Drinking Lemon water , early in the morning can keep the sugar  levels  low in the diabetic patients. But this should not be repeated during the day particularly in the evening.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Dealership queries are invited

GPF Poultry Feed Supplements, an ISO 9001-2015 firm, is manufacturing Poultry feed  Supplements, near Ambala, Haryana.They have unique formulations like-
1. Egg Formula - To keep up the egg production in layers.Egg formula can also be used in Pigeons, Honey bees to enhance egg production. 

2. Wt Formula - To help Broilers to gain timely weight. It is to be given only once a day and thrice a week, top dressed in feed.

3.Heat Formula - To prevent Heat Stroke in Poultry. It is not to be given regularly. Only when heat stroke in peak summer is expected, we have to give the bird in advance on that day.

4. All in one Formula- A complete vitamin and mineral and amino acid supplement for poultry feed.200gm of All in One Formula fullfills all the major requirements of Poultry Feed. Those interested in making their own feed for the broilers and layers, we provide them feed formulas too.

5. Pig Formula- A supplement for pig feed. 200gm of it in 100 kg feed provides vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

6.Goat Formula- For goat feed. 200 gm per quintal of feed provides complete nourishment. 

7.Milk Formula- For Cattle feed. Feed millers and dairy owners use it in cattle feed. 150-200 gm per quintal of feed improve the feed results amazingly. Besides providing vitamins, minerals ,it provides amino acids equivalent to 5% soya proteins which makes the cattle feed more economical and result oriented.

8. Pets Care Formula- A very economical supplement to make your own feed for dogs. Only 1/2 teaspoon or 4gm in home made rice & chicken food will provide vitamins,minerals and Amino acids in that. No needof feeding costly ready made feed.

9.Liver Formula- To protect Liver from every class of toxins. It can be used in any animal feed.

10.Toxin Binder Formula- A anti fungal and mould inhibitor to be used in any animal feed. Moisture in feed ingredients makes it prone to fungal growth and afflatoxins to grow. Toxin binder keeps a check on it.

11.Trace Mineral Formula - To counter weak Egg Shell and bones. Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Iron, Pottasium, Cobalt are the minerals, required in traces in animal feed.

12.Copper Formula - To counter fungus and controll Anemia. It is a good growth promoter also.

Our contact details- email -   website -    Phone +919315567495, + 919896040988

Sunday, July 31, 2016

One stop solution to Poultry Problems

Like humans, any livestock is dependent on the climate as per it's health is concerned. With any climate change, the ph of the body starts changing because of  change in moisture % in the atmosphere. As a result the protein profile of the diet needs to be so adjusted to suit the climate change. This needs a expert advice.
         The promoter of GPF Poultry  Feed Supplements has a experience of 26 years in Poultry nutrition and management. In Poultry most common problems are - Production drop, prolapse, weak egg shell, egg size problem etc. Nutritionally. Lysine and Methionine which constitute the important part of Poultry diet needs to be balanced so that it addresses most of the seasonal problems, mentioned above. Unlike some vitamins and minerals, proteins are not stored in the body , they need regular upgradation.. If the Poultry feed is balanced in terms of Lysine and Methionine, a farmer can cut short the net protein in the Feed and save cost.    
The products " Egg Formula", Heat Formula, Wt Formula, Trace Mineral Formula, Toxin Binder Formula,and Copper Formula provide realistic solution , under one umbrella to all the common problems in poultry. To understand the logic behind these formulations, please visit our website- and read the literature of each product.
Most of the products available in the market for Poultry nutrition lack specific targeting these common problems. Either they Supplement vitamins and antibiotics. As far as vitamins are concerned, bird doesn't need additional vitamins because fat soluble vitamins are already stored in their bodies and additional Supplementation can only invite risk of excessive vitamin toxicities. Antibiotics are not required always untill some bacterial infections are established.
The jist of the nutrition lies in the balanced feeding which automatically controlls most of the problems. Moreover nature provides automatic climate adjustment system in the livestock unless and untill a very poor or unbalanced Feed is given to them.


Cold Storage of Eggs (beat the price down slide)

  In Poultry price of Egg rate fluctuation is very common. Sometimes despite of good demand the prices are not remunerative. It's only because like every other business some market forces are their which manipulate the trend in their favour. To bypass this phase the only solution is to cold storage the end product or the eggs.
In our Northern India, the cold stores are normally used to store the potatoes , fruits or spices. Usually  the temperature varies from 10-12°c inside a potatoes cold store. For eggs  no additional requirement is there. The only care that we should take care is as follows.
1. Only medium sized( 45-50 gm) or small sized ( 25-40 gm) eggs should be stored.It is because oversized eggs normally have thin Egg Shell and with time and humid conditions in store it will further loose its Egg shell quality.
2.Clean Egg should be stored because dirty Egg Shell may bring bacterial infections to the egg in humid environment.
3.Temperature variation in the store should not be more than 3-4 °c .otherwise Egg will loose water during heating and will absorb during cooling inside the store quite often which may spoil the egg quality and Egg Shell quality.
4. Better the egg shell quality while putting the eggs in store, longer will be the time span for which it can stay there. Normally we store it for 3-4 months.
5. After taking out eggs from the store, they should be kept in air for 3-4 hours so that they come to the normal temperature and stop loosing water through Egg Shell. and become dry.
6. Cost  of putting eggs in store for 3-4 months normally comes out to be 20-25 paisa/ Egg  in India.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Cageless Poultry is more of politics than cruelty concern.

Cageless Poultry is  more of politics than cruelty concern.
Initiative by animal lovers in India for a cage free Poultry is more of politics than a cruelty concern. The cage concept was derived from the Western countries and it's not Indian. Indian Poultry Egg cost and selling rate is lowest in the world. A Western lobby, in a bid to destablise this industry in India has propagated this idea. Well wishers across the sea find themselves out of competition. Like China, whose cost effective products have shaken the biggest economies of the world, India can follow the trend for the world Poultry. Indian Govt. shouldn't be driven away by this game plan but can issue some advisory instead of completely banning the cage system.

Thermodynamics and Nutrition

      Thermodynamics & Nutrition.
Thermodynamics is an important science that guides about the path that the  Heat follows in a cooling process or a heating. The heat inflow or outflow never follows a straight route. It takes bumps in between. Based on this fact a no. of industrial and biological  problems  are seen. In metal castings these bumps called latent heat causes causes shrinkages during cooling. Sometimes these. are the reasons for blow holes in a cooled matter.
Biologically, all those patients who are chronically ill face fatal Strokes during the temperature variation periods specially during the sun rising or sun setting periods when the sun starts it's reverse journey or starts rising at the dawn. At this point of time environment  either starts heating up ( sun rising time) or starts cooling ( sun setting time). These bumps in heating or cooling sometime may be the reason for asthma attack in asthma patients and  liver failure in some others facing severe chronic liver disorders.
Accordingly if the diet plans are so formulated that these take care of these superheating or supercooling bumps during Morning and evening periods, a no of serious Strokes can be averted. Alkaline diets can take care of superheating effects produced during sun setting periods. ( Fig.1 ) and reversaly acidic diets can take care of supercooling bumps produced during the sun rising periods. ( Fig. 2). However these claims may not be true in a controlled atmospheric temperatures.
In Poultry birds are fed on a mass scale. A dual feeding plan I.e Acidic during Morning hours and Alkaline during evening hours can boost egg production and controll Heat Stroke mortality and routine mortality to great extent.  High protein Feed can broadly be classified as Acidic Feed and reversaly High calorie Feed can be broadly classified as alkaline Feed.

Innovative formulations in poultry ( A business opportunity)

Innovative formulations ( From GPF Poultry Feed Supplements)

In  Poultry,  for a very long time same age old  formulations are being used. Antibiotics, vitamin supplements, calcium and antifungal agents with more and less same combinations. Lysine and DL- Methionine in Feed  are  one of the new entrants. But lack of experience and the unavailable practical  data regarding their ratios to use has turned us to hit and trial methods. Sometimes we get results and sometimes don't . Morover the high cost of imported synthetic salts has barred us to make trials at our own. GPF Poultry Feed Supplements, (, through its promoter, having 26 years of experience in Poultry, has developed certain combinations in herbal Lysine and Methionine to get good FCR and Egg Production in Poultry at a very reasonable costs. A  regular use of these products help in cost cutting of Feed because  the farmer can reduce the % age protein also. The logic behind these formulations is to  change the ph. of the Feed according to the circumstantial requirements of the bird. Though these changes can be made through other means also but through proteins or amino acids, results are excellent.
" Egg Formula" is designed to maintain and improve Egg production in regular and stress times.
" Wt Formula" is designed  for Broilers to get weight in stipulated time frame.
" Heat Formula" is designed to avoid Acidosis during peak summer and save the bird from heat stroke.
Besides these Lysine and Methionine based products, We have another routine products like
" All in one Formula" for complete vitamin and mineral Supplementation.
" Liver Formula" in herbal grade for complete Liver protection
" Trace Mineral Formula"  for good egg shell in layers and good bone strength in Broilers besides having anti  Anemic qualities also.
" Toxin Binder formula" for safeguarding the bird against mycotoxins and mould due to moisture etc.
" Copper Formula"  to practice the traditional concept for fungus protection and anti Anemic qualities.
The promoter promises to bring many more products based on his experience and for day to day requirements of the Poultry. Ours is a  An ISO 9001-2015 certified company.
                         With your support, the company can make a confident  headway during its startup phase and promise you a life long union. Our phone no's +919896040988, +919315567495 email. website.
Mahesh Goel

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

All in one formula

In Poultry Feed there are a no.of items like vitamins and Mineral that are required for a economic and high performance of the Feed. Separate procurement may be a tedious job with quality risks. All in one Formula provides a complete dose of vitamins and minerals for the good performance of the bird. 200 gm. of "All in one Formula"  is a complete Supplement for the Poultry Feed. It's a production booster,works like a reservoir of vitamins and minerals for the livestock. Dose per quintal of Feed 200gm. It consists of Herbal amino acids as its base. As a result user don't need to add additional Lysine or Methionine in the feed. The composition of this product in terms of Farmers language can be understood as follows.

Composition of  1kg.*"All In One Formula"*

Vit A                 90,000 I.U

B1 B2 B6 B12  1gm Each.

Herbal Methionine + Lysine  550gm

Herbal Liver Tonic       125gm

Trace Mineral  125gm

(Mn 24 gm, Zn 12gm,  Iron 10gm, Cu 10gm, Co 2gm, Iodine 2gm, Se 0.1gm, Calcium 85gm, Phosphorous 40gm.)

Toxin Binder ( pouch)  100 gm.

For Those farmers who wish to start their own feed making and for commercial sale also , we provide them feed formulations also which are completely balanced with minimum of ingredients so that the farmer don't need to collect lot of feed ingredients.
A simple straightway formula with minimum ingredients can be as follows
1.Grain source ( Makka, Bajra etc) 60%
2.Total Protein sources with soya doc minimum 20%)     35%
3. Fat Source (oil)      5%
4. Eating Soda      200gm/quintal
5. Common Salt   200gm/quintal
6. All in One     200gm /quintal

In the market people are making feed with 5% or 10% concentrates. Besides these concentrates they use soya , makka and oil etc.  
With All in One you need not to use these concentrates. Protein content is fully obtained through the feed formula provided by us. Medicinal requirements are full filled by our concentrate "All in One Formula".
For your survival you have to learn feed making one day. So grab this opportunity and let not to be dependent on high cost feed.
How to order it- Please go to our website and make the payment. Give your complete address. The material will reach you in 8-10 days, anywhere in India.
Our contact no.+919896040988,+919315567495  Our facebook page that guides on feed making

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Egg Formula

Egg Formula is designed to benifit all those species who lay eggs. May be they Hens, Pigeons or Honey Bees. It is designed to balance their feed in terms of their Lysine and Methionine to maintain a good egg production, egg shell and prolapse free Bird.  

 Most of the Indian Poultry or other animal Feeds are Methionine or Argenine deficient because of a social stigma we don't use animal based protein source generally. As a result new laying birds either keep on laying pullet eggs for very long periods and their Feed intakes don't  come to a level so easily. Keeping in view these practical limitations "Egg Formula" is so designed that the desired production results are achieved. Besides a balanced Herbal Amino acids it contains Vitamins, Minerals and Trace Minerals. Most of routine Production boosters in Feed Supplements provide only additional vitamins and minerals. Egg formula dose is 100gm- 200gm/ quintal of Feed ( regular) Its a non water soluble preparation so dont put it in water. It is to be used in feed only. We provide it direct to the farmer through the parcel service of Indian Post. It dan be delievered at village address also. 

How to order it- Please go to our website and make the payment. Give your complete address. The material will reach you in 8-10 days, anywhere in India.

Our contact nos +919896040988,+919315567495 (India)

Economics of Poultry Farming ( A insight view)

  Unemployment is a problem worldwide. Highly qualified youths are not finding jobs matching to their intellect. Self employment or self entrepreneurship is the only way out. Poultry Farming is thought to be the easiest way out for rural youths with lot of land and funds available. Though this is a highly technical and skilful job, but due to hereditary cattle Farming trend,it is assumed to be simple. Like any other trade if you now the economics of the trade, you are likely to be more successful.
Let me talk of Broiler Farming first because it can be started with minimum investment and easy to start within small Sheds. A grown up Broiler of 2 Kg Wt. requires 2 Square ft. of space though a chick requires less than 1/2 sq.ft of space. So shed should be constructed keeping in view the requirements of a grown up bird. Water drinkers are to be arranged @ 1 drinker/ feeder per 20 Chicks or 15 grown up birds. Size of the drinkers and feeders also varies with the size of the birds. Usually two sized drinkers and feeders are arranged. One day chick of Broiler costs around Rs 15-30/-. A highly concentrated Feed costing Rs 35-40/- Kg is fed to these chicks. Now a days crum Feed is given which is in the form of crums so that with every bite, the bird gets complete dose of vitamins etc. 2Kg of Feed plus labour, medicines and shed expenses add up to cost Rs 70/- Kg bird. The sale price usually varies from Rs 75/- to 125/- Kg. In 45 days of age, bird attains a weight of 2 Kg approx. After the sale of this flock, the shed is thoroughly sanitised to make it ready for the next flock. ( To know more about rearing part of Broilers you can seeblog......
Next let's talk about Layer farming-
Layer Farming is a full fledged business where you can neither start it nor close it at short notice. Birds are reared in cages these days. A adult bird requires about 0.75 sq. ft of covered space whereas chick, grown in cages requires much lesser space. Three types of cages and Sheds are required. One for Chicks, second for the growers and finally for the layers. The one day chick costs Rs 35/- and feeding it for 4-5 months costs additional Rs 180- 190/- Thus a grown up layer bird costs around Rs 225/-. The shed construction for layer birds cost around  Rs 350/- bird. The required Land, Godowns and the grower Sheds costs extra to Rs 225/- bird ( grown up). Thus a total cost for starting a new layer farm costs Rs 800/- bird. This includes everything including land. ( Land prices calculated @ 15-20 Lac per acre) There is a specialised labour to construct Sheds for layers. A chick consumes approx 7 Kg Feed to be grown in to layer stage.( To know rearing part please see... .  Normally a bird takes 100-110 gm Feed daily to give an egg after 26 hours of time. It means 100 birds at maximum can give about 98 eggs. However this % age will go down gradually with the age of the bird . The market rate of a Egg varies from Rs.3/- to 4.50/-egg.. The Feed cost comes out to be Rs 19-20/- Kg. Usually the rated life of a layer birds is 325 eggs in a laying year. The bird is assumed to be retired after this period. Thus 5- 6 months of grower stage plus 1 year of laying make it to 1.5 year age of a layer bird. After this period complete flock is sold as culled.The rate of culled bird varies from Rs 16/- kg- 50/- Kg depending upon the demand and supply. On an average a bird should give a profit of Rs 100/- after repaying a interest  of 10% ( annual) on your investment.
With the upgradation of knowledge and competitive capabilities, now a days layers are kept for another six month after their retirement age after a process called " MOLTING". ( MOLTING is a complete subject . To know more visit my upcoming blogs). MOLTING process cost around Rs 10/- bird and a time of 30 days. The quality of Egg is improved after that. Moreover sometimes lean period can be bypassed by indulging in MOLTING.
Poultry manure is another additional source of income. A 10,000 bird farm can get about 1000 sq ft. of manure fetching about 20,000/-a year.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Poultry Farming ( A complete guide)

Commercial Poultry Farming is basically is divided into three categories.
1. Hatchery  - Layer or Broiler
2. Layer Farming
3. Broiler Farming
Hatchery involves hatching eggs, obtained from mating male & female birds of Poultry called parent or grand parent. In ancient times it used to be a natural process, performed by hen itself. But with the commercialisation of Poultry, this is done with machines. The Chicks are produced in bulks to suit the requirements of a farm. The parent and the grand parent are obtained from pure line breeders. The Chicks may be Broiler or the layer according to their parent breed. Eggs of the parent birds are collected every day and the so collected eggs are kept in Hatcher for a scheduled period at the same time so that the Chicks, coming out have same date of birth. Hatchery business is quite profitable in most of the less developed Poultry states because these can't meet the demand for Chicks due to short supply. The rates of saleable Chicks varies between Rs 15-20 The thrust area in hatcheries is to keep the hatchery free from virus and bacterial diseases so that the quality of Chicks is good.
Layer Farming is to get table eggs for consumption. Layer farmer get  one day Chicks from hatcheries and rear it for about 5 months to get eggs from them. One day Chicks are quite delicate and need expert brooding. The price of one day chick in India is approx. Rs 35/- Brooding period is from 0-6 week. Temperature management of the brooder, specially in winters is quite important. In first week it ranges from 90-95°F. Brooder pneumonia is very common in winter when the brooder temp. is not up to the requirements of the bird. The vaccination schedule should be followed strictly to be safe from various diseases. Debeaking ( touching) is done at the age of 1 month so that birds don't peck each other. Nutritionally the bird should be given energy levels of 3200-3300 kcal/ Kg and the protein should be kept 22-23% so that bird's growth match the ratings.
After 6 week of age it is grower stage when the Skelton of the bird is fully developed and it attains the weight. At this age , the protein level may be reduced to 16-17%.. Gumboro, wing rot, Maereck's disease can spoil the flock in this period so we have to keep the bio security level up to date.
At the age of 16 weeks bird starts laying and it attains a peak by the age of 22 weeks. A good nutrition at this age prolongs the laying period with least routine problems like prolapse, Weak Egg Shell, production drops and Ranikhet disease etc. The protein % should be 17-18% at this age. After the age of 72 weeks, the bird should be retired and culled for the sake of best economics. During the last legg of laying sometimes oversize Egg size creates a big issue. By manipulating the protein level of the Feed  this problem can be addressed to some level.
In India the most common Feed constituents of the Poultry Feed are - Maize, Bajra, Jowar, Rice kani, DOC Soya, GNE ( Ground nut extract, obtained from solvent plants after extracting oil from the groundnut), DOC Mustard, DOC Rice Bran, Rice Polish, Marble grit and powder( for Egg Shell formation), Vitamin and Mineral Supplements, mould inhibitors and Dicalcium phosphate etc. The grain % is kept between 50-60% depending upon the age of the bird and the climate. Similarly protein % varies from 15%-18% The manufacturing cost of good layer feed comes around Rs 20/-. and a single bird consumes around 7 Kg of Feed by the time it comes to laying age. This costs Rs 200- 225/- a bird for complete rearing.
In India, Egg market is very competitive. High FCR ( Feed conversion ratio) and disease free Bird can only make the farmer survive. Amino acid Supplementation and the molting of birds are the latest cost cutting tools.
Broiler farming-. Broiler is a bird developed for the rapid weight gain. Like layers, one day Chicks are procured from the hatcheries. One day chick cost around Rs 10- 30/- depending on demand and supply.They are given highly concentrated feeds so the bird attains a Wt of about 2 Kg in 45-50 days. Brooding is just like layer birds.( Explained above) It costs around Rs 80/- Kg a bird to rear and the saleable rate varies from Rs 70- 120/-.Since the birds are on a fast forward mode, chances of getting viral and the bacterial diseases is much more as compared to the layers.Supplementation of vitamins, minerals, antibiotics and proper vaccination are the shortcuts to safe Farming.
     In India, most of the people in Broiler industry, operate at very small scale, they can't afford to manufacture Feed at their farm. They have to purchase ready made Feed for their birds. Sometimes due to under quality Feed, the bird don't  attain weight at right time and it takes 60-70 days to attain a Wt. of 2Kg. This proves quite uneconomical. Fatty liver syndrome, lichi disease and Heat Stoke are the common reason for mortality. The rates of the saleable birds fluctuate so often that the small farmers get ruined.
      Some big breeders are going for integration practice in Broiler industry these days where the Chicks and Feed is supplied by the breeders . The saleable Broilers are also purchased back by them after deducting the labour rates. This is proving boon in some areas.
     In India Haryana, Panjab, Hyderabad in A.P,  are the leading areas in Poultry.Uttar Pradesh Govt. is offering subsidy of 25% to set up Poultry there. Since the availability of raw material and the consumption of Poultry Products is maximum in Uttar Pradesh, this state can be the future hub of Poultry.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Over Supplementation of Vitamins is hazardous

Common practice in Poultry is additional Supplementation of vitamins and antibiotics besides giving regular doses, whenever there is slight fluctuation in egg production. In some regions there is practice of additional Supplementation course for a week or so every month.
Modern nutritionists don't recommend this because every vitamin, mineral or antibiotic has a toxic effect after some limit. Fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A, Vitamin D and Vitamin E are stored in the liver and can be the strongest reason for fatty liver syndrome. Similarly water soluble vitamins like vitamin B and Vitamin C produces Heat stress when used in overdoses.
Haphazard use of Antibiotics should also be avoided. Resistance to most of the antibiotics is felt against most of the antibiotic salts. So these should be avoided unless required. Balanced diet feeding is the only natural remedy to this problem.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Artificial light & Heat Stress in Poultry.

Artificial light at night reduces Heat stress in Poultry.
It's a general perception that light at night may cause heating effect in Poultry. But in reality it's reverse. In my previous blog I had shared my experience that in hot and humid times the mortality is due to Acidosis conditions  in the evening peak hours of temperature. It's because due to severe panting, the bird looses most of its electrolytes. Sodium, Pottasium are lost as a result severe Acidosis is developed. Supplementation of electrolytes is one of the solution but its not instant result giving. We are to keep their protein profile in such a way that in the evening alkaline proteins are given more. It gives instant results.
Similarly if we give high intensity light at night , it also produces alkaline effect and reduces Heat stress mortality. The mortality due to Acidosis is always in the evening hours when the sun is going to set.  GPF Poultry Feed Supplements has launched a product " Heat Formula" , based on their experience. The complete product can be seen at their website

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Natural remedy for "Wing rot" in poultry-

Wingrot is a serious bacterial disease in Poultry. Birds starts pecking each other leading to extensive bleeding. The affected birds becomes drowsy and found dead after some time. The dead birds seems crushed under the other birds.
Though Amoxcilline is known to be effective against this infection, but some natural remedies give instant results. Totally omitting the salt from their Feed and giving iron Supplementation  proves boon for them. As soon as the bird starts recovering, we can slowly start giving them salt at the recommended ratio as per the climate. Maintaining a high hygein level also plays a crucial role.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Litter Management in Poultry.

Problem of wet litter in Poultry is very common these days. As a result of this- problem of flies, insects and smell arise to the discomfort of nearby residents. Loss of nutrients through excreta is also a monetary loss to the Poultry farmer.Initially it was thought to be a result of high fibre diets only. But this parameter is not sufficient for this anomly. High salt Toxicity, High acidifier Toxicity, High fatty liver syndrome or some bacterial infection may be one of the reason. Preparing a checklist and turning out the possible reason is the only  cost effective remedy.

Egg Size in Poultry ( A guide to managing egg size)

Managing Egg size in Poultry is a very challenging task. In most of the countries like India, eggs are sold by no's and not by Wt. Morover the problem of Weak Egg Shell and breakage during transportation is more in larger sized eggs. Sometimes pullet sized eggs also create a big problem because customer don't demand this size Egg.
Practically speaking bird's body is like a scooter engine. At optimum performance, the average fuel consumption is low with more mileage and with good health of the engine. Similarly in birds when the protein and energy levels are  perfectly balanced, Egg size, FCR and bird's health are perfect. In new birds sometime pullet sized Egg is so severe that it creates marketing problems. If we increase the Methionine content in the Feed slightly, we get some relief. Similarly in aged birds if we decrease the protein % of the Feed slightly, the egg size is reduced without affecting the % Egg production. The egg shell thickness also improves automatically with the balancing of the Feed.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Amino Acid Supplementation

Discussions on recent development in Poultry nutrition, in the magazine " Poultry Nutrition" supports the use of amino acids in early stage of Broilers. A theme strongly supported by GPF, ever since it's conception. Amino acids are cost cutting tools to Poultry feeding. With Supplementation of Lysine and Methionine in right ratio, Poultry Feed gives equally good results even at low protein levels. GPF Poultry Feed Supplements have a ready made solution to achieve this aim of good egg production , early weight gain etc.

Poultry Nutrition (Guide to feed manufacturing)

Poultry Nutrition from commercial point of view involves best results in terms of Egg Production or earliest Wt gain in broilers at least cost. For egg producing layers we keep protein levels at 15-23%( depending on the age of the bird). The protein sources available in our country is mostly Soya, Ground nut, Mustard, Fish, Guar, Sun flower and distillery byproducts etc. The energy levels are kept 3000- 3500 kcal/ Kg The sources of cheapest energy are Maize, wheat, millets, rice and oils & fats etc. Besides this vitamin supplements, Mineral mixtures, marble grit powder and anti fungal medicines are essential for Feed preparations. The quality of raw material directly effects the production results.
For layer Chicks we keep the protein levels to 20-21% whereas we decrease it with the age.The minimum may be 13-14% at the age of 70-72 weeks.
In Broilers we keep both the energy levels and protein levels very high so that the desired Wt is attained at right time. Since Broilers are kept at fast track mode to attain Wt., infection risks are always there.
Proper mixing of Feed ingredients is always beneficial for good results. Now a days nutritionists suggest Feed Supplementation with amino acids to keep the production levels up. But their use require expertise to use them in balanced form. In balanced state of these amino acids we can cut down the protein levels to some level. GPF Poultry Feed Supplements provide ready made solutions to this. Egg Formula and Wt. Formula are specially designed to achieve these aims.


Friday, July 15, 2016

Weak Egg Shell ( Remedial measures)

Weak shell in Poultry sometimes causes huge loses. Some of the prime reasons may be as follows.

a) Immunity breakdown and some viral infection which may cause 100% shell less eggs and causing lameness in the birds.

b) Nutrient imbalance in the Feed causing a hole in almost 50-60% eggs.

c) Protein imbalance in Feed which causes rough and smooth less egg shells . The egg shell becomes quite thin.

Remedies- Proper vaccination and keeping the good immunity level is the only solution for the first type.

Second type of Weak Egg Shell is mainly due to calcium- Phosphorus imbalance. A good calcium- phosphorous Supplement may solve the problem.

Third type of Weak Egg Shell may be caused with haphazard use of proteins and amino acids, without balancing them. Generally aged birds which don't require much of proteins face such challenge.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Care your chickens in humid times

Indian poultry faces different weathers during the year. Sometimes it's very hot and humid and sometimes its very cold and dry. Though the farmers put all their efforts to save their chickens from these adverse conditions but these physical methods sometimes don't come up to the expectations as far as results are concerned. Dietary changes are must for the farm to survive.

Proteins and calories requirements altogether change with the change in climate. For example, Rajasthan in India is very dry and hot whereas sea coastal areas are hot and humid, Himachal is cold and humid as far as climate is concerned. If you analyze the eating pattern of these states, you will agree that the same changes are required for other livestock also. If we don't change this, different type of bacterial infections crop up. Humid environment invites the requirement of more of proteins than the dry weather. Similarly at cold temp. energy requirements are increased. Water intake of the bird also needs to be monitored climatically. Higher water intake suggest bird feeling hot inside and needs to be taken care of.

Careful watch of every activity of the bird provides solution to every problem.

More details:

Count your chickens before they hatch ( A guide to good brooding)

A good brooding results in good production results during the laying period. Different breeds of Broilers and layers recommend weight achievement schedule for their Chicks, they supply. Their vaccination schedule and Feed formulations are also suggested. These recommendations are based on practical field results. If the farmer strictly adhere to these recommendations, chances of problems are very few. Timely debeaking, shifting, spacing and providing immunity boosters further safeguard the birds. During the brooding, the brooder temperature also plays an important part. The temperature chart provided by the Chicks company should be followed very strictly. Proper sanitation provides additional immunity from the bacterial and viral infections.

Heat Stroke in Poultry (Guide to poultry management in heat stress)

Managing Poultry in hot weather conditions is not a easy job. Hot weather is of two types. 

1.One when temperature is very high but the humidity is very low.
2. When the temperature and the humidity both are high.

In the first condition, the temperature usually rises after 12.00 P.M. In the morning bird feels comfortable and takes normal Feed. Again in the evening, the weather becomes pleasant.  Mostly the product don't drop much in such conditions. Moreover the physical method prove very effective in cooling. Like coolers, sprinklers or foggers etc.

In the second type of heat stress normally the day and night temperature don't  vary  much. As a result bird don't get a chance to recover it's Feed intake and it keeps sinking in the stress zone. The mortality and the drop in production is very high in this stage.

       Practically speaking this is the toughest time to handle Poultry. Dual feeding pattern i.e. feeding acidic Feed in the morning and the slightly alkaline in the evening give good results. Electrolytes do help sometimes but not much. Moreover with electrolytes production results don't improve. Heat Formula by GPF Poultry Feed Supplements is the best ready-made solution to such needs. It is to be given @ 50 gm/ 1000 birds during the peak hot hours. The results are amazing. It is cost effective also because you don't need to give it regular. Our contact nos +919896040988,+919315567495 (India)